A century of Academy Award short film nominations all lead up to this. Join Pittsburgh Sound + Image and your host Olivia Devorah Tucker as we look back on 50 years of Oscar short honorees, all shown on glorious 16mm film. SEE an all-star lineup of animated, documentary, and live-action narrative films! LEARN about the development of Oscar short criteria and the evolution of popular-cultural styles! IMPRESS your friends with arcane Oscar knowledge.
Our 16mm awards spectacular will conclude when we invite YOU to be the Academy! Vote from a list of additional award-winning shorts from the 1930s all the way through the 1980s. The audience selection will win Pittsburgh’s most distinctive audience choice award. PLUS: at least one voter will take home their very own golden film reel award statuette!
Doors open/the red carpet unfurls at 7:30. Films start at 8:00.