Go back to school in offbeat style with Avant-Garde in the Classroom, an all-new lineup of 1960s and 1970s shorts illuminating the wilder side of films made by, about, and/or for children.
- We’ll be plumbing the depths of the Filmmakers Cooperative collection to bring you movies directed by legends DeeDee Halleck, Yvonne Andersen, and Doris Chase (including one print that FMC executive director MM Serra tells us has never been watched before!)
- We’re also thrilled to present work that Pittsburgh favorite Tippi Comden made with kids during her time teaching at Western Pennsylvania School for the Deaf and Pittsburgh Filmmakers.
- Plus: see two abstractions by Norman McLaren, equally appreciated by audiences aged 5 through 100!
- And bonus surprise selections from the Flea Market Films collection
There will even be free snacks and refreshments!
After the program, Olivia Devorah Tucker (they/them, Olivia “puts the femme in ephemera” and shares a love of school scare films) will join curator Steven Haines for a discussion of the movies.
Doors open at 7:30. Films start at 8:00. This is an all ages show.
Everything will be presented from 16mm and super 8 film prints as part of the Essential Archives series programmed by Pittsburgh Sound + Image.
This event is free thanks to funding from Steel Valley Enterprise Zone, though advance registration (with no fees) via Eventbrite is encouraged.